
Hello, my name is Kevin Lin, as of making this website, I’m in my freshman year, majoring in Computer Science here in CCNY. This website was made for the Spring 2024 Writing for Engineers course, ENGL21007. I was born in Manhattan but moved to New Jersey in second grade until a quarter of the way through my senior year of high school where I moved to Queens. During this time in New Jersey, I worked in a family restaurant and unfortunately didn’t have much time to explore different things I wanted to do in the future. I had thought about a few possible career paths varying from psychology, neuroscience, architecture, biology, environmental science, engineering, and art. Working in a restaurant environment has taught me to prioritize important tasks, work well in busy and chaotic environments, and communicate effectively to get information across. Additionally to work well in this environment I had to be organized, focused, and be able to speak with people, especially during rush hour. After my family moved from NJ and sold the restaurant, I had more time on my hands and began to pursue some of my many interests, some of which I hope to someday delve deeper into.